Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Quarter

I wanted to send you one of the stories that I had written. The woman in the background is my grandmother teaching me to walk. I have cerebral palsy. God has been good to me. He gave me my grandmother. He gave me many people to help me including but not limited to Lions Club doctors. I hope you like the story because it's true. It's how my grandmother taught me to walk.

"The Quarter"

The doctor came into the room. It was filled with poor but honest people, who couldn't afford services by a "real" doctor. He was donating his time to the local Lions Club. Beside each adult in the room sat a child. Some were smiling, some scurrying, some crying, like all children do. He thought of each child as a crippled angel. He knew, at least, that some of them had more angels than normal surrounding them. Each child today had cerebral palsy.

Cerebral palsy was caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain. There was no rhyme or reason as to what part of the brain the lack of oxygen would affect. Some were retarded, whatever that meant. He had met some adults here that had acted far more ignorantly and far less lovingly. Some had dwarfed limbs. The next case was like that. He had to tell a poor grandmother that she had to buy an expensive set of parallel bars in order to teach this tiny grandchild to walk.
He (Doc) had known this grandmother a long time. She kind of reminded him of a turtle. She was wrinkled with a hard shell. She was very slow but had a soft center. This time grandma had brought the young mother with her. He admired this couple that was even poorer than the grandmother. Many times a couple would break up upon having a child with cerebral palsy.
"Grandma Bea, you need to buy this little fellow a set of parallelbars." She pointed two old fingers at the young doctor. Her fingers were wrinkled and yellow from Prince Albert tobacco stains. "Young fellow, I don't where we'll get the money, but I'll teach him to walk somehow."
Grandma Bea lived in a three-room house with no plumbing. There was more love and stubborn determination in that house than any other house in town. The thought of a set of parallel bars was a financial impossibility.

Just up the hill from the house was an old cemetery. One evening, as the sun was thinking about going to sleep, Grandma Bea gathered up the young boy in her arms. She carried him up the hill to the grave of a rich man. Around the plot, the rich man's family had placed a double set of water pipes. Grandma placed the young boy at one end. She stood at the other. "Come on, son," she coaxed. "I can't, Grandma. It hurts." The boy had never seen a look of defeat in Grandma's eye. He saw it for the first time that day. Then suddenly, her eyes brightened. Around her neck she carried a brownish-white yellow string Prince Albert pouch. From that bag she pulled a shiny quarter. "Come on, son," she said. "I have a prize waiting for you. I know it's hard, but don't give up." The boy knew what a quarter was. Slowly and painfully he took his first few steps. The knee high braces that he wore would sometimes get too close together and lock. Every few steps Grandma would come and unlock them, fighting the temptation to pick him up, letting him experience the pain for his own good. There were many days like that, but each day got easier.The boy is now a man himself. He still can't run but he manages pretty well with a cane. Grandma lies not too far from where she taught him to walk. Some days the days get hard and life hurts. It seems he can almost hear her standing at the Pearly Gates saying, "Come on, son, you can do it. I have a prize waiting for you." I sometimes think she fights the temptation to send the angels to pick me up and take me home. She lets me endure the pain for my own good.

That's how my grandmother taught me to walk. Don't give up your Christian walk. There's a prize waiting for you.


Friday, January 30, 2009

A Person God Can Use

It's very cold here in Southern Illinois today. I got a wonderful opportunity to stay curled up in my favorite blanket. This is my slowed season. I and my puppy have been chewing on something.

My puppy was chewing on last week's steak bone.

For some reason I got to thinking about what it would've been like to have won the apostle Paul to the Lord. What an awesome man of God Saul/Paul was!

That led me to think about the man that God used to lead him to himself. That man's name was Ananias What does it take to be a soul winner like Ananias?

The book of acts chapter 9 speaks of him. It also speaks of him in the book of acts chapter 22:12. I'm using the acronym S.L.O.W.E.D.

The first thing I noticed was he was spiritually devout. The word devout basically has two meanings. First, it means somebody who is godly or has a heart like God. Secondly it means one who does his duty, like a soldier, for example. It sounds as though if I'm going to be a soul winner like Ananias, I need to have a heart like and for God and also I need to do my duty as a Christian soldier.

Second thing I noticed about Ananias is that he was Listening. He had his heart prepared for the voice and will of God. God help me to hear from you plainly.

Thirdly, Ananias was obedient. Yes, he, reasoned with Jesus, and he struggled a little but he ultimately obeyed. God even though I sometimes drag my feet, once I know your will, help me to do it no matter what I've heard or how afraid I am.

I noticed several things about Ananias that started with W.. I noticed that he was wondering. Everybody always wonders if they hear from God especially when the thing God is asking them to do is contrary to what seems to be in our and God's best interest. After all, this guy was the guy that was imprisoning Christians. Ananias could have thought something like, "God I want to be used of you, so common sense tells me, to run like crazy".

I find many examples where God works contrary to common sense or at least our sense. Don't be afraid to wonder. Don't think less of yourself. Go back to God. Make sure of what he is telling you. Then have courage and obey him. I wonder how God could use the person that he is laying on my heart. No matter, it's your job to speak; it's his job to transform.

I find Ananias witnessing. He's talking about Jesus to someone who, days before, did not want to hear about Jesus at all. God can open impossible seeming doors for you to talk about his son. Just be willing and obedient. A soul winner must be willing to share his or her faith.

I also find him wonderworking! The Bible says Ananias laid his hands on Saul and his eyesight returned. Allowing the power of God to move through you and meeting their needs in the process can certainly cause a person to want to hear more about the Jesus that you know.

Next, I see Ananias "worth finding". I believe that Jesus convinced Ananias of the worth of Saul. He told him the plans he had for him. We can only be real soul winners if we see the worth of people. We must overlook their past and see what they are worth to God. If you have trouble seeing someone's worth, ask Jesus to show you what they are worth to him.

Lastly, I see evidence and effectiveness in Ananias’ life. I see him actually winning souls. I see him going to Saul and winning him for the kingdom. Many people talk about wanting to be a missionary or a soul winner but it takes someone willing to actually do it.

Dare to ask God what he wants you to do, then do it.

I only read of Ananias winning one person to God. But Oh what a soul winner that one became.

One of the most wonderful things about Ananias is that he did not measure his worth to God or true success in ministry by how many he won or how big the job was.

Be willing, obedient, responsive/reliable, and then know that the results are up to God. (Acronym W.O.R.K.)

Do you have someone whom God has laid upon your heart to speak to?

Please pray for those in the USA to be even more spiritually devout. Pray that we do our duty. Pray that we are Godly examples. Pray that God will help us to listen to his will. Pray that He will help us to obey his will once we know it plainly. Pray that God will make our times of wonder and questioning short and that when we do wonder it will only be because we are searching for his ultimate will. Pray that there be wonderworking, so that people can see the evidence of the power of God. Ask God to show us the worth of every human being. God please give us evidence that you are working here. Help us to not worry about numbers whether they are big or small.

Simply do your will in us. In Jesus name, amen

Cliff Clark